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Commercial Photography at a Brand New Cocktail Bar in Frome

Writer's picture:  Tony Brown Photography Tony Brown Photography

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

The lovely people at Flow Bar in Frome opened their bar during lockdown, so they needed some advertising photography to help get their name out there.


When opening any kind of new business, commercial photography is a key component in helping to get the word out to the locals and the wider community. During a national lockdown, it's vital! With no footfall and tight restrictions on the types of businesses that could be open, the guys at Flow Bar in Frome decided to plough on through and make their new cocktail bar ready to open, whenever that would be.

If you've not heard of or never visited Frome, it's well worth a visit! I was delighted to be invited down there to shoot as I'd been told just how pretty it was and it didn't disappoint. Voted the best place to live in the UK in 2018, Frome has been revitalised in recent years thanks to the support of its community, who love the town's ancient, cobbled streets and carefully preserved listed buildings. It thrives now as the creative heart of Somerset with hundreds new businesses, from artisanal bakeries and florists to craft beer houses and boutique hotels. A recent addition to this list is Flow Bar in Frome.


Sarah Baker looks after the marketing for Flow Bar. I have worked with the fabulous Sarah before and she was keen to get me down to shoot, as she knew I could capture the look that the guys were looking to achieve. I like to capture motion in my photography, action shots that almost look like video - it really helps to add excitement and vibrancy to an image. It's this type of commercial photography that Sarah had seen in my work, and wanted to use to promote this new venture.


The purpose of the shoot was to increase the library of images that Flow Bar in Frome had for social media, advertising and their under construction website. They needed lots of shots of cocktails being prepared, images of the decor and vibe that they had created there. As it is a cocktail bar, it will normally be open at night, so the photography needed to reflect that. Tricky, when you arrive to shoot at 10am on a bright, sunny day! In order to recreate the illusion of evening time we blacked out the windows, fired up the neon lights and in post-production I did a little wizardry to complete the effect. I think we pulled it off, in fact after a couple of hours of shooting we forgot what time it was!


Even though Flow Bar opened up during a global pandemic, they have made up for lost time and are doing really well, thanks in no small part to the strong community they have around them. I can also personally recommend them as I was treated to a couple of their cocktails...! I'd like to say a huge thank you to Marcus Whittington and Sarah Baker for inviting me down, the guys at Flow Bar for giving me such a warm (socially distanced) welcome and I look forward to popping down again in November for shoot number 2!

If you are looking to promote your business and are in need of some strong imagery,

please feel free to get in touch via my contact page.

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